Investor’s Account Data Housed with JP Morgan Securities was Tampered to Coverup


The plain answer is No one.

This blog has the proof attached that the deposit and withdrawal statement history in the customer' online account was deleted when the FINRA case was filed. This data was supposed to be protected and made available to the customer for two years (as also seen in the note by JPMS (yellow highlighted). The customer was supposed to get the history for the past TWO years according to JPMS itself. However, the history was deleted such that even the past month's history was unavailable following FINRA complaint.

In one recent example, self-directed invested account customer filed a complaint with FINRA against JP Morgan securities (JPMS) for various security industry rules violation and dishonest practices. After the complaint was filed, JPMS blocked the customer’s online account access. During the arbitration proceedings, the pro se customer sent subpoena to JPMS to get her account documents. The customer filed two motions to compel discovery to get her complete account documents, yet JPMS did not provide all requested documents. After dragging its feet, JPMS allowed a restricted access to the customer’s online account.

In violation of FINRA regulations, the customer’s account documents were tampered. Specifically, the trade history, deposit, and withdrawal history data were deleted. The customer frequently traded at JPMS and deposited/withdrew cash from January 2021-March 2022. The attached pictures show that the deposit and withdrawal history data was completely deleted to cover up.

Unlike the industry standards, JPMS account documents that are printed and downloaded from its website did not display the date and time of the download. Only after the customer complained to FINRA, JPMS quickly added that feature (after of course denying the customer’s assertion at first).

 You can observe in the attachment that not only the data was deleted, the download did not show the date or time when the document was accessed or downloaded/printed, which is unlike industry standards.

Date and time were added after the FINRA complaint, but the deposit and withdrawal data was still not shown.

Customers should have access to two years of their account history, yet the data was deleted.

According to the Financial Industry Regulators (FINRA) 

“17a-4(a) Every member, broker or dealer subject to § 240.17a-3 must preserve for a period of not less than 6 years, the first two years in an easily accessible place, all records required to be made pursuant to § 240.17a-3(a)(1) through (3), (5), and (21) and (22), and analogous records created pursuant to § 240.17a-3(e).”

For more info, please see

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